Advantages of Haosail supper clean alloy fish net


Haosail has many years of experience in providing marine cage systems for various fish cultures around the world. It uses the supper clear copper alloy fish net patented by the company for aquaculture. It has anti-fouling, anti-bacterial and anti-septic properties.


Copper inhibits biological pollution, such as adhesion of algae, seaweed, Anemone, barnacles and molluscs. When these substances accumulate, they can block water flow, reduce the oxygen content in the net fence, and increase pathogens and parasites. Therefore, preventing its accumulation helps to reduce mortality and improve growth and feed conversion.

Nylon nets must usually be cleaned by divers every seven months, but with copper alloy nets, the cleaning frequency can be significantly reduced. Even when cleaning, it is easy to disassemble due to weak adhesion. Since underwater operations are costly and dangerous, it is advantageous to reduce underwater operations. Copper alloy is also stronger than nylon, so it helps prevent predators such as sea lions from entering the fishing net.

Copper alloys have disadvantages in cost and weight. The company said that in terms of cost, longer product life, less cleaning work, better fish health and the end-of-life recovery value of copper often offset the initial cost. Li Hong, chairman of Haosail, said that the increase in the weight of copper means that the buoyancy must be increased accordingly. However, in some cases, the weight is a good thing because it can prevent the net from losing shape or entanglement, especially in the rough sea.

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