Difficulties in developing deep-sea aquaculture in China

At present, there are still some difficulties in developing deep-sea aquaculture in China, mainly including the following points:


① Insufficient technological reserves for deep-sea aquaculture engineering equipment. The engineering level of marine aquaculture facilities in China is relatively backward, and the research and development level of the existing aquaculture facility system, including deep water net cages, is relatively low. The construction of large-scale aquaculture platforms is still in the design stage, and some key and basic research is urgently needed, including the research and development of specialized aquaculture ships and deep sea large net cage facilities, as well as the integrated construction of large-scale aquaculture ships and comprehensive fishery production platforms., These are all key tasks for the future.


② The practical experience of deep-sea culture is quite lacking. Compared with offshore aquaculture, deep-sea aquaculture has its unique characteristics in terms of hydrology, water quality, aquatic organisms, and climate. Whether existing mature aquaculture technologies are suitable for deep-sea aquaculture, how aquaculture technologies adapt to the characteristics of deep-sea aquaculture, and whether related technologies such as genetic breeding, feed nutrition and feeding, disease diagnosis and prevention, preservation, and processing of aquaculture products can meet the requirements still need to be continuously explored and answered.


③ The cold chain logistics technology of deep-sea aquaculture products is outdated. The seamless connection from sea to land to the dining table is an important component of the deep-sea aquaculture system. The development of cold chain logistics for marine products in China is still in its early stages, and there is a lack of unified standards in various aspects of facilities, equipment, temperature control, and operational specifications. In the future, it is necessary to develop core technologies such as circulation cold chain equipment, circulation preservation, circulation network information, food safety testing, pollutant degradation, information identification and traceability.


Overall, China’s deep-sea aquaculture capacity is relatively weak, with almost only deep-sea fishing and no deep-sea scale aquaculture platform formed. The gap is concentrated in engineering facilities, supporting facilities, cage farming, and marine ranching construction technology. However, China already has good research and technological reserves in offshore aquaculture facilities and equipment, aquaculture technology, energy supply, logistics processing, and other aspects, and has the necessary conditions for conducting far-reaching research and application of marine aquaculture. The relevant national departments have made strategic arrangements for the development of marine culture with profound Chinese characteristics. Qingdao Haosail Machinery’s advanced deep-sea aquaculture equipment, such as floating suspension cage, copper alloy cage net, and multi-point anchoring & mooring system, will provide great technical support for the development of deep-sea aquaculture in China.

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