Eight departments including the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs jointly issued the “Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Deep Sea Aquaculture”

Deep sea aquaculture mainly refers to the way of large-scale and efficient aquaculture in the deep sea, with gravity cages, truss cages, aquaculture platforms, aquaculture feeding ship and other large-scale fishery equipment as the main body, supported by mechanized, automated and intelligent equipment technology. Vigorously developing deep sea aquaculture is of great significance for optimizing the spatial layout of aquaculture, promoting the transformation and upgrading of marine fisheries, ensuring national food security, improving the national dietary structure, and implementing the Healthy China strategy. In accordance with the spirit of the “Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Doing a Good Job in the Key Work of Comprehensively Promoting Rural Revitalization in 2023” and the “Several Opinions on Accelerating the Green Development of Aquaculture Industry” and other documents from ten departments including the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the following opinions are proposed to accelerate the development of deep sea aquaculture in accordance with the national “14th Five Year Plan” for marine, fishing, and shipbuilding industries.

1、 Accurately grasp the overall requirements. Adhere to market leadership. Fully leverage the decisive role of the market in resource allocation, better leverage the role of the government, with aquaculture producers and operators as the main body, guided by market demand, and promote the development of deep sea aquaculture throughout the entire industrial chain. Adhere to scientific layout. Reasonably plan and layout far-reaching marine aquaculture, improve policy management systems, and accelerate the formation of a standardized and orderly spatial pattern, industrial structure, and production methods for the development of far-reaching marine aquaculture. Adhere to technology leadership. Promote interdisciplinary joint research and innovation, strengthen the research and development of deep sea aquaculture technology and facilities and equipment, and continuously improve the level of informatization, intelligence, and modernization. Adhere to green ecology. Integrating the concept of green development throughout the entire process of marine aquaculture, strengthening ecological environment protection, and promoting coordinated development of production and ecology. Adhere to safe development. Prevent and resolve safety risks in production and operation, and effectively ensure the safety of people’s lives and property, biological safety, and product quality safety.


2、 Optimize the layout of aquaculture space. Encourage the development of deep sea aquaculture fishery with aquaculture water body of more than 10000 cubic meters. In principle, truss cages, aquaculture platforms, and aquaculture factory ship are arranged in the sea area with low tide water depth of no less than 20 meters or more than 10 kilometers offshore, and gravity cages are arranged in the sea area with water depth of no less than 15 meters. Engaging in deep and offshore aquaculture should meet the requirements of territorial space planning and aquaculture waters mudflat planning. To carry out deep and offshore aquaculture in inland and territorial waters, it is necessary to apply for the Real Estate Ownership Certificate (registered as the sea area use right) and the Water mudflat Aquaculture Certificate according to law. To carry out deep sea aquaculture in the exclusive economic zone and continental shelf, it is necessary to comply with the national requirements for the spatial utilization and management of the exclusive economic zone and continental shelf waters. Relying on deep sea aquaculture to carry out production and business activities such as tourism, catering, and accommodation, it is necessary to obtain employment permits from relevant regulatory authorities and accept supervision.

3、 Promote the development of the entire industrial chain. Actively focus on key links such as equipment manufacturing, aquaculture production, processing and circulation, and brand cultivation, promote the integration and coordinated development of the primary, secondary, and tertiary industries, and continuously improve the comprehensive efficiency of the industry. Vigorously promote healthy breeding, scientifically determine breeding mode, variety and density according to Carrying capacity, standardize the use of nationally approved veterinary drugs, feed and feed additives, and ensure product quality and safety. Do a good job in aquaculture seed industry, cultivate the leading species suitable for deep and offshore aquaculture, encourage the breeding of local species, and scientifically demonstrate the breeding of exotic species, and take effective measures to prevent escape. Actively develop the processing and circulation of aquatic products, strengthen the construction of cold chain logistics facilities for storage and preservation in production areas, improve the quality responsibility system for aquatic products, establish a quality traceability mechanism, and cultivate regional high-quality characteristic brands. Encourage the creation of national level demonstration zones for deep sea aquaculture and ecological aquaculture.


4、 Strengthen ecological and environmental protection. Deep sea aquaculture projects should carry out environmental impact assessment in accordance with the Marine Environmental Protection Law of the China and other laws and regulations, and avoid relevant ecological protection red lines and nature reserves. Producers and operators of deep-sea aquaculture should use up to standard fuels in accordance with the law, equip themselves with pollution prevention and control facilities and equipment such as oily wastewater, aquaculture waste, and household waste treatment, collect, treat, and discharge pollutants in accordance with relevant pollutant discharge standards and requirements, and properly dispose of abandoned deep-sea aquaculture equipment in accordance with the law.



5、 Promote industrial technological innovation. Relying on national scientific research plans and other projects, we will increase support for the research and development of deep sea aquaculture technology, and promote the integration of industry, academia, research and application. We will focus on core aquaculture technologies such as improved breeding, scientific disease prevention, and efficient feeding, as well as key facilities and equipment such as wind and wave resistant aquaculture equipment, high-strength anti attachment net clothing, underwater cleaning robots, automatic and precise feeding, mechanized fish harvesting, product processing, and storage and preservation cold chain, to promote the development of advanced aquaculture technologies and equipment. Accelerate the transformation and application of achievements, improve relevant technical systems and normative standards, and improve the safety and economy of deep sea aquaculture. Encourage the implementation of full mechanized production and intelligent control in deep sea aquaculture, and carry out experimental demonstrations of advanced aquaculture systems in unmanned fishing grounds.


6、 Implement inspection registration requirements. The breeding factory ship shall pass the inspection of the ship inspection agency, obtain valid legal inspection certificates and documents, and conduct regular operation inspection. The breeding factory ship shall be registered as a breeding fishing vessel in accordance with the Measures of the China for the Registration of Fishing Vessels. The construction of gravity type cages, truss type cages, and breeding platforms shall comply with the technical requirements of relevant specifications and standards, and shall be registered by the competent department designated by the local people’s government. Provincial agricultural and rural (fishery) departments should establish a dynamic ledger for deep and distant sea aquaculture, timely grasp the basic information of deep and distant sea aquaculture facilities and equipment, production and operation status, and submit it to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs before the end of June and December each year.


7、 Strengthen safety production measures. Deep sea aquaculture production operators should implement the main responsibility for safety production, formulate emergency plans, equip safety facilities and equipment that are suitable for the production scale, as well as management and operation personnel, establish daily maintenance, safety production training and other safety management systems, and regularly identify safety hazards. The producers and operators of breeding factory ship shall implement the system of fishing crew working with certificates, equip all duty crew, strengthen the implementation of the port entry and exit reporting system, and comply with the relevant provisions of the Maritime Traffic Safety Law of the China when navigating and anchoring at sea. The producers and operators of deep sea aquaculture shall timely evacuate all personnel according to the requirements of the local government according to the early warning information issued by the meteorological, natural resources (marine) and other departments, and when necessary, the aquaculture factory ship shall enter the port or anchorage according to law to avoid risks. The equipment for boarding deep and offshore aquaculture facilities shall comply with relevant laws and regulations, the number of personnel shall not exceed the number of people checked, the safety operation procedures shall be followed, and the standard Personal flotation device shall be worn. Navigation activities such as transportation of relevant facilities and equipment to and from the dock must comply with international maritime collision avoidance regulations.


8、 Improve regulatory cooperation mechanisms. Establish a collaborative mechanism for the supervision and management of deep-sea aquaculture, led by the agricultural and rural (fishery) departments at the same level and jointly participated by relevant departments, to promote the standardized development of the industry. The agricultural and rural (fishery) departments are responsible for the supervision and management of deep sea aquaculture production, the natural resources (marine) departments are responsible for the supervision and management of the use of deep sea aquaculture waters, the ecological environment departments are responsible for the supervision and management of deep sea aquaculture ecological environment, and the maritime department is responsible for the navigation safety supervision and management of gravity net boxes, truss type net boxes, and aquaculture platform construction operations. The fisheries law enforcement agencies and maritime police agencies respectively supervise and inspect aquaculture activities on the inner and outer sides of the bottom trawl restricted fishing area line of mobile fishing vessels. Maritime police agencies and local marine and ecological environment comprehensive law enforcement teams, in accordance with their responsibilities, supervise and inspect the sea use and ecological environment for deep and deep sea aquaculture. Tourism, catering, accommodation and other production and operation activities carried out based on deep sea aquaculture are supervised and managed by departments designated by the local people’s government. Each department should investigate and punish corresponding illegal activities in accordance with their respective functional divisions, strengthen work cooperation, and form a regulatory pattern of joint management and coordination.


9、 Increase policy support. Strengthen the guarantee of sea use for deep sea aquaculture, simplify approval procedures, and reduce or exempt sea area use fees in accordance with the law. The natural resources (marine) departments of the people’s governments at the city and county levels shall conduct an overall sea area use demonstration for aquaculture areas selected according to national spatial planning in accordance with regulations. Units and individuals shall no longer conduct sea area use demonstration when applying for aquaculture use, except for special regulations. Support various types of deep sea aquaculture equipment that meet the requirements and be included in the “First Major Technical Equipment Promotion and Application Guidance Catalog”. Increase support for the development of deep-sea aquaculture, with a focus on increasing investment in facilities and equipment construction, revitalization of the aquatic seed industry, major disease prevention and control, research and development of feed and veterinary drugs, and cultivation of the entire industry chain, and provide policy support in areas such as credit and insurance. Establish a diversified investment mechanism guided by the government, self raised by enterprises, and participated by social funds, and improve the socialized service system for deep sea aquaculture.


10、 Strengthen work organization and leadership. All regions and departments should fully understand and deeply understand the importance of accelerating the development of deep and distant sea aquaculture, effectively strengthen the organizational leadership of deep and distant sea aquaculture development work, play a good role in the cooperation mechanism of deep and distant sea aquaculture supervision and management, continuously improve relevant management systems, and form a regulatory force. All localities should carefully summarize the development experience of deep and offshore aquaculture in recent years, fully assess the economic, safety, environmental protection and other factors in accordance with the requirements of this opinion, formulate and improve the development plan and implementation plan of deep and offshore aquaculture in their own regions according to local conditions, define the objectives, tasks, work responsibilities and supervision and implementation mechanism, and ensure that all measures are effective.


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