Summary of China’s top ten deep sea intelligent aquaculture equipment platforms-6

From primitive fishing to scientific and technological breeding, from passive extensive to sophisticated development, the upgrading of far-reaching marine intelligent equipment is not only the integration of high-end technology, but also the display of the country’s comprehensive national strength, but also an important embodiment of marine science and technology and the strategy of becoming a marine power. Adhering to the national green development concept, Haosail machinery has collected and sorted out the top ten deep-sea intelligent breeding equipment platforms made in China for readers’ reference.


The basic design, detailed design and final assembly construction of jostein Albert are carried out by CIMC raffles, which integrates Norway’s advanced marine engineering design ability and China’s high-end equipment construction ability, and has made a number of technological breakthroughs and process improvements, enriching its experience and ability in the field of deep and far sea aquaculture cage.

With a total length of 385 meters and a shape width of 59.5 meters, the ship covers a total area of about four standard football fields, and is composed of six deep-water intelligent cages. The breeding scale can reach 10000 tons, about more than 2 million salmon. In order to meet the needs of modern breeding, the ship is equipped with the world’s most advanced salmon automatic breeding system, which can realize the functions of automatic delivery of fry, automatic feed feeding, underwater lamp monitoring, underwater oxygenation, dead fish recovery, automatic adult fish search and capture, etc. In addition, the vessel complies with the world’s most stringent NORSOK (Norwegian Petroleum industry technical regulations) standards and is classified into det Norske Veritas to adapt to the extremely cold climate and harsh sea conditions outside the Norwegian fjords.

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