Summary of China’s top ten deep sea intelligent aquaculture equipment platforms-8

From primitive fishing to scientific and technological breeding, from passive extensive to sophisticated development, the upgrading of far-reaching marine intelligent equipment is not only the integration of high-end technology, but also the display of the country’s comprehensive national strength, but also an important embodiment of marine science and technology and the strategy of becoming a marine power. Adhering to the national green development concept, Haosail machinery has collected and sorted out the top ten deep-sea intelligent breeding equipment platforms made in China for readers’ reference.

“Penghu” is the world’s first semi submersible wave power generation aquaculture cage, which was developed and built by the Guangzhou Institute of energy, Chinese Academy of Sciences, supported by the marine renewable energy fund of the Ministry of natural resources and the special fund for promoting economic development (for modern fishery development) of Guangdong Province, and carried out a real sea state aquaculture demonstration in Guishan fishery, Zhuhai. At present, it has obtained invention patent authorization from China, the European Union, Japan and Canada. The “Penghu” is 66 meters long, 28 meters wide, 16 meters high, and 12 meters working draft. It can provide 15000 cubic meters of aquaculture water. It can be used in a sea area of 15-100 meters, and its design life can reach 20 years. The platform is also equipped with modern fishery production equipment such as automatic baiting, fish monitoring, water monitoring, live fish transmission and ice making, which can realize intelligent breeding (only one person can undertake all breeding tasks on the platform).

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