What is the difference between traditional mariculture cages and Haosail supper clear copper alloy net cage?

Traditional cages often have serious fouling organisms attached, resulting in poor water flow inside the cage, obstructing water exchange, and the entire system acting like a ‘stagnant pool’. The low oxygen content in water makes fish susceptible to diseases and infections, and the health status of the fish produced is worrying. At the same time, for traditional mesh boxes, it also requires a significant amount of manpower, material resources, and financial resources to clean and replace mesh clothing. Copper has natural antibacterial properties. Haosail supper clear copper alloy net material made from copper as the basic component through smelting and processing has the characteristics of “anti fouling biological attachment, corrosion resistance, disease inhibition, safety and environmental protection” when used in seawater aquaculture. At the same time, it also increases water flow and oxygen content, which is conducive to the health and growth of fish; Prevent predators from attacking and prevent fish from escaping; Maintain the capacity of the cage; Improve feed conversion rate; Advantages such as recyclability and reuse.

The aquaculture methods of marine fish in China include cage, pond and indoor factory, with a fish production of 580000 tons. At present, cage is the main form of marine fish aquaculture, accounting for more than half of the aquaculture output. The development status and quantity distribution of net cages: The number of traditional small net cages exceeds 1 million (60000 in Hainan, 150000 in Guangdong, 540000 in Fujian, 110000 in Zhejiang, and 70000 in Shandong). There are three forms of traditional small net cages: bamboo raft, wooden board, and steel pipe structures. However, traditional small net cages have many problems: small breeding capacity, poor resistance to wind and waves, short service life, and limited breeding areas, resulting in self and environmental pollution, frequent fish diseases, and poor quality of fish. This has seriously restricted the development of marine aquaculture and brought about a series of economic, ecological, and social problems. Although the one-time investment of copper alloy net cage is high, the average service life of copper alloy net cage is up to 5 years with a recovery rate of 60%, while the average service life of polyethylene net cage is only 2 years with a recovery rate of 15%. If 1.3 million yuan is invested in copper alloy net cage, at least 700000 yuan can be recovered after 5 years, with an average annual cost of 120000 yuan. If the annual aquaculture output value is 10 million yuan, the annual shared cost of copper alloy net cages only accounts for 1.2% of the output value.

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